Saturday, August 21, 2010

Friday, August 20

Received five new applications for the graduate assistant position! We chose one more applicant to add to our interviews. We have a total of five applications to interview next Thursday and Friday! I certainly hope someone just "shines" for this position. There is quite a bit of work in this position; I just wish we could pay more!!! Leaving a little early to go see my daughter who is in med school. :o)

Thursday, August 19

Met with the committee to choose applicants to interview for the graduate assistant position. We had twenty-five applicants and chose four (4). Left after lunch today to get my tooth pulled! It was a must and a preventative from missing future days!

Wednesday, August 18

A quiet day in the life of a grad director. I copied applications for the grad assistant position and gathered my committee. At lunch with my colleagues and just enjoyed the day!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Today began with a revision of the intent to plan for the new program and review and approval by the writers. A phone call from a student who was worried about getting into a class. I had already spoken to the instructor who said it was all taken care of. I followed up with an e-mail to the instructor and copied to the student requesting clarification on this matter. I even followed up further with the instructor in person to clarify matters.

I called a colleague and discussed a possibility of creating an early childhood education (ECE0 program. We discussed the pros and cons of a specialization in ECE or the creation of an independent early special program. There will need to be more research to determine the feasibility of either of these programs and for whom the program should be designed for, such as individuals with elementary degrees who want to pick up an early childhood specialization or early childhood individuals who want to extend their degree program to include early special education. Time and research will tell.

The middle of the day included lunch with many of my colleagues. It is always nice to take a break and laugh without talking shop!!! After lunch, I had a meeting with our web designer. We are going to revamp the graduate website (it is in desperate need of revision). I cannot wait to get this started! I sent him an updated admission form to include in the form list. We are planning to have other meetings to produce a website the University can be proud of and students can access easily.

Right after the meeting with the web designer, I had a meeting about our University Compact. I was "let go" as quickly as I arrived; I had already sent in all of the information that was needed for the graduate program. I did my homework!!!

Towards the end of the day, I received a call from my sister who has FINALLY decided to complete her master's degree. I have told her that she needed to do this over and over again! She is now in line for a new position and realizes that she can advance much further if she has a master's degree. Personally, I think she should have done this YEARS ago! Oh well, she is an adult and has to make her own decision; I am glad that she made this one!

To end the day, I attended a back to school fair in the student union. It was crowded (which is a good thing) and I was able to get half of a funnel cake, a small snow cone, a small bag of popcorn, and a tiny bit of cotton candy! What a way to end the day!!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Today was the first official day of work! It began with a faculty meeting, followed by a department/division meeting, a convocation for incoming Freshmen, and ended with planting of a tree by the Freshmen and a reception. What a day! As the graduate director, I was able to successfully get an intent to plan a new program through our department/division, with one minor change. The next step will be taking the intent to plan to our graduate council for approval. If it is approved at that level, it will proceed to the faculty senate, dean's staff, and then the Board of Governor's before heading to the state for approval. This process is only for permission to plan a new program! Stay tuned for the actual writing of the program!