Saturday, August 21, 2010

Friday, August 20

Received five new applications for the graduate assistant position! We chose one more applicant to add to our interviews. We have a total of five applications to interview next Thursday and Friday! I certainly hope someone just "shines" for this position. There is quite a bit of work in this position; I just wish we could pay more!!! Leaving a little early to go see my daughter who is in med school. :o)


  1. I had no idea that Concord was advertising for another graduate assistant (the Education or Graduate department I am assuming). As a CU alum it is really great to see the Graduate program taking off. I hope it continues to grow to other disciplines.

  2. I hope someone did "SHINE"!! This is great for our University! Good Luck to them!
    And "Way to go!" to your daughter! I'm sure she can't be told that enough! I'm glad you get to go spend some time with her every now and then.. such a special time I'm sure :)
